Tag Archive: Blogs

Day 21, Tuesday: A list of links to your favorite posts in your archives

Well, here is a comprehensive list to all my favourite posts I’ve made over the course of 5 months. It was tricky, but I narrowed it down to 5:

A Tourist’s Guide to The Brute




Casual Fridays


Day 19, Sunday:Five of your favorite blogs and what you love about them

I like too many blogs. faaaaaar too many blogs. Here are just 5 of my favourites:

1): Unlucky for Some

Catherine-Ann has been mentioned here before, and I don’t mind mentioning her again. she’s a supremely talented writer, and is currently hosting an art competition on her blog. Please go and support her.

2): Everything and Anything to Love

Another person mentioned here quite a bit, Brook, like me, is attempting the Blog Every Day in May challenge. A personal friend to me in real life, she’s also hosting a competition to celebrate 1000 views. Feel free to enter and, I dunno, send the prize to me…

3): Derek Landy Blogs Under Duress

Derek Landy is an Irish writer famous for writing the Skulduggery Pleasant series (my favourite series of books ever :)). When he’s not writings about living skeletons and faceless gods, he keeps a blog detailing his writing experiences and his love of Women’s MMA.

4): Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Aaron is another writer, one writing for the science fiction world of Warhammer 40,000, Aaron is responsible for writing one of my all time favourite books, The First Heretic. He talks a lot on his progress writing for Warhammer, as well as his time off and convention appearances.

5): Lasesana

Responsible for a version of The Snowflake Method, a method of writing that has helped me so much in my work, Lasesana has a full 5 minute Spanish course up on her blog, which I’m happy to say I will never be stupid enough to not figure out.  It’s thorough, it’s easy, and it’s very, very good.


I am a Man.

A Damn Manly Man, with capital letters and everything. And as a Damn Manly Man there are things that are required from me, such as shaving my chest using shark teeth and a hot glue gun, or toppling an African dictatorship while simultaneously pushing the resistance leader off a cliff, then going off to punch sharks.

That’s what a Man (or a Woman, don’t forget the capital letter) does. That, and work. For free.

So next week I’ll be in the geology labs in University College Dublin on work experience. If you happen to go to this one college in this particular country on a particular week with a particular interest in geology, come say hi! I’ll try to get a post in for you guys, as is my duty as…

…pause for effect…

A Man…

Another thing I must accomplish as my duty is to look baller in Youth Theatre photo’s:


Arms crossed, chest out, this is the pose of someone who eats cacti and spits the needles out at supervillains. That, or a narcissist.

This is the Offaly Youth Theatre, and Thursday night we had our showcase, where we finally had 2 months of practice play out in 1 night. And I guarantee, everyone of those people were as talented and amazing as I was.

Perhaps not as narcissistic. But they were still amazing, and I thank everyone who turned out, those who performed with me, and to our mentors who pretty much drilled us into actors!

And two of those people in the photo have blogs, which I must definitely shamelessly plug, because they are amazing in a totally non-biased way.

The first, by Catherine Ann Minnock, will probably make your stomach rumble. She does some amazing recipes, as well as great opinion pieces.


The second is from a good friend called Brook. Just starting and already becoming a brilliant blogger, you’ll adore her opinion pieces, and her outlook on the world.


And while I’m shamelessly plugging things, you might want some good music to listen while reading, right? Maybe you should meet my cousin Sarah Daly, under the Moniker of Metaphorest. She has some absolutely beautiful pieces of music, and has even worked on the music for a horror film that was kickstarted recently! I would seriously recommend you check her page and the film:



(The film she’s been working on)

Okay, I think you’ve heard enough from me being all nepotistic and narcissistic. I’ll see you guys soon.

Warm Wishes,

-A Man… I mean, Fiachra

Some people don’t enjoy letters to imaginary people. Some people *cough -me- cough* don’t want to work on a Friday because they have stuff to do tomorrow. So, I suppose I should do something…casual…or something like…that.

Well let’s not talk about my being on a debating team for a day, going up against the real school debating team. Made up of older, more intelligent-yet-not-as-handsome 17 year olds.

Who thought that would be a good idea.

Why would anyone consider that a *good* idea.

Needless to say, we had are arses served to us on a silver platter, me being the main frickin’ course. Not quite the Friday I was hoping for, but then again, It got better once I was reminded that this was the first ever photo of me on Facebook, back in 2011:


Ahhhhh, good times.

That’s me on the far left, the one who looks like Moe Howard risen from the dead, standing in Phoenix park in Ireland with maybe 8,000 other ‘zombies’ for an annual charity walk through Dublin city. Fun when you go with the recently revived Mr. Darcy, a truck driver zombie, and what I’m assuming is the woman he just killed. I don’t know how this always cheers me up, but seriously, look at the happy little head on me:


Total Euphoria, that’s what that is.

Zombie walks are always a great place to meet people and just have fun. They’re all over the world, so do something for charity and bring your friends to one.

Or, stop by the equally amazing (currently with less zombies, unfortunately) blog Geekround, run by my pal Emma and her friend Jukes. Filled with webcomics, cool projects, and a healthy obsession to Thorin Oakenshield. Find a better blog. I dare ye.

Okay, I think that’s enough casual to keep you busy for a while. See you next week.


The Cardinal

UCD's finest news source. Preaching the truth since 1854.


"New mysteries. New day. Fresh doughnuts"


A band. Plus the writing, poetry, and art of J.C. Grennan.


it's true, I did get bored of tumblr. Here shall be a hodge-podge of creative endeavours past, present, and future.

Jacob H. Baugher IV

Writer, Photographer, Musician


Survivor stories from SocietyRed...

The Byronic Man

Joel K Clements

If Books Could Blog

Live life as though someone will write a book about it, which will one day been reviewed!

After Dark Gaming

the red eye gamer

Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Don't worry. None of this blood is mine.


the REAL lasesana

Teens Can Write, Too!

Changing the world's opinion... as soon as we finish this math homework

Lucien Maverick's Den

The ramblings of a creative intellectual

Cut The Crap Movie Reviews

...for people who don't read movie reviews.


Movies, thoughts, thoughts about movies.

The Evolution of Eloquence

Improving the English language one letter at a time

Bad horror, Good times

Reviewing the best of the bad!